Advanced Medical Laboratories

Routine & Special Hematology


Routine & Special Hematology

The Clinical Hematology Laboratory specialises in performing a wide variety of basic and advanced haematology tests on whole blood. This involves counting or tallying the total number of white and red blood cells and platelets present in a blood sample.

  • PLATELET FUNCTION - To measure the blood clotting time.
  • BLOOD FILM - To check for abnormalities in blood cells.
  • COOMBS TEST - A common blood test involving pregnant women to confirm a diagnosis of autoimmune hemolytic anaemia.
  • BONE MARROW TESTS - To determine how cancer is affecting blood cells.
  • ERYTHROCYTE SEDIMENTATION RATE (ESR) - To detect various forms of cancer, infections, and autoimmune diseases.
  • DIASCOPY - To determine the nature of a rash.
  • ELECTROPHORESIS -To examine proteins in the blood.
  • KARYOTYPING -For patients who are exhibiting problems with growth, development, and body functions.
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